Health & Safety

The health and safety of our employees and indeed anyone who may be affected by our work is of paramount importance to us. There is and has been increasing awareness of health & safety issues in recent years and quite rightly so.

In our view, it is an issue that goes well beyond simply complying with regulations. Our employees and clients should feel that we are taking every step to put in to practice the safest methods of work and to know everyone involved at Woodman and Blount has a 'safety first' mentality.

To ensure we have the right technical expertise to meet our safety objectives, we employ an external consultancy to provide the expert support and information we need and to provide a health and safety policy which meets our specific needs. The advice and guidance they provide is then implemented across all our projects. Implementation is overseen by John Blount, a Director of the company.

Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations 2007

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 have had a major impact on the way construction programmes are managed. They have served to formalize what many good companies were already doing in the way they planned and managed projects.

We are fully conversant with the regulations and used to working alongside CDM Coordinators as part of project teams.